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Scissor Lifts

MFMA maple floor systems function extremely well under normal loads, however on occasion significant loads can have detrimental effects. Excessive loading like those resulting from the use of high point load scissor lifts can lead to surface degradation and/or weaken structural components leading to system failure.

MFMA always recommends using multi-layer protection when loading a flooring system with any size lift in order to protect the integrity of the system and quality of the surface finish.

Example, MFMA recommends that when a lift (total weight, machine, operator, and load not to exceed 4,500 lbs) is used on the floor system the floor should be protected with at least two layers of 3⁄4” thick clean protective sheathing, with overlapping seams. Protective material should include suitable clean sheathing and floor finish protections such as red rosin paper.

When operating equipment, wheels should not travel outside of the protected area, this includes while the machine is stationary or being moved.

For lifts of any type where machine weight alone exceeds 3,500 lbs. consult your flooring manufacturer for further recommendations.

Note: Do not leave heavy loads on the floor overnight or for extended periods.

If you have any additional questions, please contact MFMA’s Technical Director at 888/480- 9138.


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