Type of Wood: Sugar maple / hard
Specific Gravity: .56 - .63
Modulus of Rupture (psi): 9400 - 15800
Modulus of Elasticity (million psi): 1.65 - 1.88
Work to Maximum Load (inch-lb / cu. in.): 13.3 - 16.5
Impact Bending — height of drop causing complete failure (in.): 40 - 39
Compression Parallel to Grain — maximum crushing strength (psi): 4020 - 7830
Compression Perpendicular to Grain — fiber stress at proportional limit (psi): 640 - 1479
Shear Parallel to Grain — maximum shearing strength (psi): 1460 - 2330
Side Hardness — load perpendicular to grain (lb.): 970 - 1450
Relative Hardness (ranked by the Janka hardness rating): 1450 12% harder than Northern Red Oak
Relative Stability (ranked by dimensional change coefficient): .00353 4% more stable than Northern Red Oak
Color: Heartwood is creamy white to light reddish brown; sapwood is pale to creamy white
Durability: Dense, strong, tough, stiff, excellent shock resistance, markedly wear resistant
Workability: Density makes it very difficult to saw; sands satisfactorily
Nailing: Fair resistance to splitting; good holding ability
Finishing: Takes neutral finish well; does not stain uniformly
Flame Spread Index (ASTM-E84): 104
Smoke Developed Index (S.D.I): 157
If you have additional questions, please contact MFMA's Technical Director at 888/480-9138.